Digital Storytelling and Employer Branding. An Exploratory Connection


  • Camelia CRIȘAN National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
  • Dumitru BORȚUN National University of Political Studies and Public Administration


Our paper aims at explaining what is digital storytelling and its particular methodology, and how its use in the organizational settings could influence the employer branding. For such purpose, the authors have conducted an exploratory research, where a group of participants has been asked to rate their interest in a company, after viewing solely the online commercial communication (website and Facebook account), while another group has viewed two digital stories produced by two employees of the company. The results of the analysis showed that participants had more positive words to describe the company after viewing the stories, but there were not differences in perception for those who were searching for a job and those who were not searching for the job when exposed solely to the web communication or digital stories.


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How to Cite

CRIȘAN, C., & BORȚUN, D. (2017). Digital Storytelling and Employer Branding. An Exploratory Connection. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 5(2), 273–287. Retrieved from


