Analysis of the Behavior of a Regional Economy through the Shift Share and Location Quotient Techniques


  • German MARTINEZ PRATS Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Aida ARMENTA RAMIREZ Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


Economic systems are dynamic entities and the nature and consequences of the changes that occur in these systems are of considerable importance since they can affect the welfare of individuals as well as the political and social structure of their community. The objective of this works is to know what has been the behavior of the economy of the state of Tabasco from 2003 to 2013, to determine what effects the application of an economic policy has on the different production activities, as well as their impact on socioeconomic groups. The research approach is quantitative because the data collection and analysis was carried out in accordance with certain logical rules that are established through the models that analyze the behavior and composition of the regional economic structure and its impact on the development of the region and results offers a summary of the behavior of the economic activities carried out in the State of Tabasco during a given period, and starting from this historical framework it is possible to implement an analysis of the state's economic reality compared with the national one, by means of the Simple Location Coefficient and the Traditional Shift-Share Technique, used for estimating the degrees of specialization for the different sectors, showing the effects of the national growth by activity according to the state activities and the levels of efficiency in the regional structure.


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How to Cite

MARTINEZ PRATS, G., & ARMENTA RAMIREZ, A. (2018). Analysis of the Behavior of a Regional Economy through the Shift Share and Location Quotient Techniques. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 6(4), 553–568. Retrieved from


