Museums as Theme Parks - A Possible Marketing Approach?



Museums compete increasingly more with very diverse entertainment providers, such as theme parks, despite the fact that their offer is mainly cultural. Museums have had to be more active and they have had to diversify their offer, in order to be more popular, therefore to better achieve their complex cultural missions. They should be more “market oriented” and aim to develop their programs according with their visitors’ needs and desires, as well as with the evolutions in the contemporary society.  One answer to this challenge would be the controversial theme parkisation of museums. The paper discusses in what extent the market approach of theme parks could be a viable marketing strategy for museums. It underlines several differences and similarities between the marketing approaches of museums and theme parks, in order to better understand how a museum could preserve its cultural functions, while obtaining economic success. Only the latter would allow it to better develop its cultural activity and thus to better serve its visitors and the community.

Author Biography

Alexandra ZBUCHEA, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration

Vice-Dean, Faculty of Management, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)


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Online sources




How to Cite

ZBUCHEA, A. (2015). Museums as Theme Parks - A Possible Marketing Approach?. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 3(3), 483. Retrieved from


