Strategic Public Relations and University Entrepreneurship in Present European Context


  • Andreea RĂCEANU


Mostly theoretical and following a descriptive - normative logic, with a specific focus on the models of higher education institutions and practices, the present paper addresses the subject of entrepreneurship within higher education area, in relation with current European policy context regarding higher education and university entrepreneurship. It proposes a strategic public relations framework as an integrating effective approach for actual opportunities and challenges that universities deal with presently. Various theoretical approaches and concrete actions emerged, from the complex perspectives of triple helix (organic relationships and interactions between universities, industry and government) to particular aims regarding the development of knowledge-based economy or to the European Union knowledge triangle initiatives (education-research-innovation). The role of universities is expected to be broader and its actions should be characterized by both responsibility and pragmatism within the context of sustainable decision making. However, mostly in practice, there are limitations and criticism regarding a convergent model of entrepreneurial university, even more in relation with issues related to ethics of teaching and research and especially for universities with social and humanistic profiles. In this context, a viable solution could come from the area of public relations, undertaken in their most advanced form: as strategic approach linking decision making processes, stakeholders’ needs and interests and assuming long term responsibility. The main aim and originality component of this paper is to propose and support such an approach presented both verbally and trough graphical modelling.


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How to Cite

RĂCEANU, A. (2016). Strategic Public Relations and University Entrepreneurship in Present European Context. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 4(1), 81–107. Retrieved from


