How Personal Values Influence Romanian CSR Managers` Involvment in CSR Campaigns


  • Anca Diana ȘERBAN National University of Political Studies and Public Administration


This study focuses on identifying the ratio between the individual and organization authority of CSR managers concerning decision making within the campaigns they coordinate. The sample includes the top 100 Romanian companies selected by turnover. The way in which the managers’ values interact with the organization authority is a subject treated poorly in both international and Romanian literature. This study, which has an exploratory character, investigates how personal values lead Romanian CSR managers to develop and coordonate CSR campaigns and to what extent these values are part of the campaign messages compared to the values of the company for which they are made. The main results of this scientific paper refers to the correlation between the CSR managers’ values and the campaigns that they coordinate.


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How to Cite

ȘERBAN, A. D. (2015). How Personal Values Influence Romanian CSR Managers` Involvment in CSR Campaigns. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 3(4), 729–748. Retrieved from


