Management of the Technological Innovation Process in Software Companies from Sinaloa, Mexico
The objective of this paper is to explain the management process of technological innovation within certified software companies from Sinaloa, considering their strategic technology plan, innovative processes, and intellectual capital. This work is based on the study of 9 software companies located in Sinaloa and certified through the CMMI (Capability Maturity Model for Integration) process. Their problems are grouped into three areas: 1) strategic technology plan, 2) innovation and 3) intellectual capital. We propose a model of innovation management to explain and evaluate the integration of those three areas applying a mixed methodology, theoretical foundations, and the analysis of the results. The overall results reveal that the certified software companies from Sinaloa manage innovation informally, through an internal, costly and independent innovation process without considering alliances with other companies, educational institutions, government agencies, technology parks or research and development centers.References
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