The Strategic Impact of Sensory Elements on Building and Developing Brand Equity


  • Andrei GRIGORAȘ


The purpose of this article is to analyze concepts such as brand equity, sensory branding and customer experience. Also, the scope is to develop a comprehensive understanding of how the relationship between sensory factors and customer experience helps in creating and developing brand equity for coffee shops to go. On the other hand, this study aims to outline the main aspects of branding processes, processes that define the development strategies of a brand through the concept of brand equity. This subject is important because it brings to the foreground a new perspective on the concepts analyzed by other authors, on the sensory segment and its impact (in terms of consumer behavior and experience), on the subsequent attributes for brands at the level of notoriety, quality and other aspects that build brand equity. The research analyses some important aspects for this study, like the degree of knowledge on the local market of the main brands of the coffee shops to go; the coffee to go's frequency of consumption; perception of sensory factors, consumer experience and brand equity among consumers.


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How to Cite

GRIGORAȘ, A. (2018). The Strategic Impact of Sensory Elements on Building and Developing Brand Equity. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 6(4), 579–592. Retrieved from


