The Impact of Human Resource Development on Organizational Effectiveness: An ‎Empirical Study



Human resource development is a relatively new area of professional practice ‎and ‎academic study. Over the past two decades, human resource development has become ‎the ‎fastest growing area of management development, due to the great interest of ‎organizations ‎in the face of intense competition and changes in the business ‎environment. Despite this ‎significance of HRD but, there is a lack of empirical ‎researches or studies have specifically ‎dealt with examining how HRD practices effect on ‎organizational effectiveness practically, in ‎universities and institute level. This study ‎tries to address this gap. The main purpose of ‎this study is to investigate the ‎relationships between the practices of human ‎resource ‎development and organizational ‎effectiveness in the Iraqi public universities context. ‎This ‎study adopted the survey ‎method to collect primary data. The survey was created by ‎the google-forms tool, which ‎is commonly used by researchers for ‎collecting data. The web-based questionnaires were ‎distributed through E-mail‎ designed to collect the relevant data ‎from the public ‎universities of Iraq including a number of deans, heads of departments, ‎faculty members ‎and principals of the execution units which seems to provide a ‎corresponding sample for ‎conducting data collecting and analyzing. An online questionnaire ‎was ‎distributed to ‎around 342 employees, out of which 215 complete questionnaires were ‎obtained. ‎For ‎analyzing the data, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), structural equation ‎modeling ‎‎(SEM) ‎were used. This study finds that HRD practices such as talent ‎development, ‎training and ‎development, organizational development and career ‎development have a ‎positive and significant ‎impact on organizational effectiveness. This ‎study has confirmed ‎the significance of HRD practices and ‎how they are positively related ‎to organizational ‎effectiveness. The results of this study have ‎the potential to help the ‎decision ‎makers of ‎universities to develop effective HRD practices which ‎will enable them to ‎‎improve ‎employees’ competencies in ‎enhancing organizational ‎effectiveness. ‎ Also, this ‎study ‎‎recommends universities’ managers to use effective HRD practices which are aimed ‎at ‎building ‎ excellent employees’ competencies and increase the integration between ‎‎human resource ‎development and organizational ‎effectiveness. ‎


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How to Cite

KAREEM, M. A. (2019). The Impact of Human Resource Development on Organizational Effectiveness: An ‎Empirical Study. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 7(1), 29–50. Retrieved from


