The Impact of Human Resource Development on Employee ‎‎Performance and Organizational Effectiveness


  • Mohanad Ali KAREEM Kaposvár University
  • Ibrahim Jaafar HUSSEIN ‎ Thi Qar University‎


The area of employment is changing dramatically, technology and globalization ‎are impacting ‎‎‎practices and experiences, and societies are becoming more global and ‎multicultural. With the rise ‎‎‎of globalization and the rapid changes in the business ‎environment, employability is becoming ‎one ‎of ‎the main goals for any organization. The ‎organizational effectiveness lies in human resources quality and human resources ‎development practices have the potential to improve employee competences. This study aims to examine the impact ‎‎of ‎human resource development practices on the employees’ ‎performance and organizational effectiveness ‎‎at a ‎sample of public universities ‎in Iraq. A descriptive-analytical method based ‎on one ‎regression ‎model was ‎employed for data analyzing.  The result indicates that HRD ‎practices are ‎significantly ‎‎related to employee performance in the enhancement of organizational ‎‎effectiveness. ‎Also, the ‎results show that there is a statistically significant relationship ‎‎between ‎employee performance ‎and organizational effectiveness.  Furthermore, this study ‎‎‎recommends that the decision-makers ‎of universities should strive to develop HRD ‎strategies ‎‎which will enable them to improve employee ‎competency and enhance the ‎capability of the ‎‎employees to achieve desired goals and objectives of ‎the organization. ‎This article contributes to human resource development, ‎employee performance and organizational ‎effectiveness‎ literature. Also, this study provides key theoretical and practical implications which are discussed in detail.


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How to Cite

KAREEM, M. A., & HUSSEIN ‎, I. J. (2019). The Impact of Human Resource Development on Employee ‎‎Performance and Organizational Effectiveness. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 7(3), 307–322. Retrieved from


