Social Support and Work-Family Balance of Manufacturing Companies’ Employee with Self-Efficacy as a Mediator



Past studies reported that social support correlated with work-family balance. However, the role of self-efficacy in the relationship between social support and work-family balance among the manufacturing sector employees is missing. Therefore, this study examined the indirect effect of self-efficacy in the relationship between social support and work-family balance. A sample of 456 (F=26.8%; mean age=31.55) manufacturing sector employees that were selected through the stratified sampling technique responded to the Work-Family Balance Scale, Social Support Questionnaire, and Self-Efficacy Scale. Results of the correlation analysis revealed that social support from family and co-workers positively associated with work-family balance. Self-efficacy was also found to relate positively to social support and work-family balance. Mediation analysis, using Hayes Process Macro, showed that self-efficacy had an indirect effect on the relationship between social support and work-family balance among employees of food and beverage companies. Improved social support from co-workers and family can assist manufacturing sector employees to balance the demands from both domains. 


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How to Cite

AKANNI, A. A., & AJILA, C. O. (2021). Social Support and Work-Family Balance of Manufacturing Companies’ Employee with Self-Efficacy as a Mediator. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 9(2), 177–184. Retrieved from


