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Shift from Product Innovation Strategy to Marketing Innovation Strategy to Add Value to the Firm


  • BOUHELAL Fatima
  • ADOUKA Lakhdar Mascara University


This article explores the role of innovation strategies for enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs in global markets. Based on a literature review of innovation strategies, these strategies were separated into four groups: product innovation, process innovation, organizational innovation, and marketing innovation. The study focused only on the product innovation strategy and marketing innovation strategy. The empirical analysis found that Algerian enterprises adopt both a product innovation strategy and a marketing innovation strategy. There are differences regarding the relationship between the product innovation strategy and adding value to the firm compared to the relationship between the marketing innovation strategy and adding value to the firm in Algerian enterprises. Here, there are three positive relationships between product innovation strategy and adding value to the firm whereas in contrast, there are two positive relationships between marketing innovation strategy and adding value to the firm. Thus, the enterprises under study must shift from a product innovation strategy to a marketing innovation strategy, which means focusing their attention more on the latter to market their products more and faster, which allows them to add more value to the company.


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How to Cite

Fatima, B., & Lakhdar, A. (2022). Shift from Product Innovation Strategy to Marketing Innovation Strategy to Add Value to the Firm. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 10(2), 167–178. Retrieved from


