Analysis of Internal Marketing Communication Tools of a Selected Company in Industry 4.0 Using McKinsey 7S Analysis
Nowadays, many companies are aware of the fact that if they can meet the employees’ requests, provide them with sufficient information and quality working conditions, their work performance will be at a high level. As a result, employees can ultimately meet customer requests and the company can move forward. The issue of quality internal communication in companies is not just an issue of recent years. Many international companies are aware of this. However, the issue of internal communication still persists in smaller companies, which do not pay that much attention to it because they do not have enough funds or believe that they are not affected by this issue. This internal communication within the company must take place in both directions, which many companies forget. The observations and opinions of employees and their feedback on the actions of the company, individual managers etc. are also important. Companies should spend enough time just getting this connection from employees, which allows them to streamline individual processes and information gathering, but also the work skills of individual managers, who can increase their soft skills and help organizations work better. At present, which is marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for quality internal communication is even more pronounced. The aim of this study is to analyse the company's internal marketing communication tools. The paper also targets to analyse corporate strategies, management styles, shared values of the company etc., through the analysis of McKinsey 7S selected global company, which operates not only in the Slovak Republic. The methods used for this study are McKinsey 7S analysis, deduction, synthesis, and comparison. Thanks to the McKinsey 7S analysis, the results showed that the company has a friendly climate with open communication and a socially oriented culture based on several shared values and management principles.References
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