The Effects of Blockchain Technology on Corporate Governance: Evidence from Emerging Economy


  • Grace Osariemen EGHE-IKHURHE Teesside University
  • Mandella Osei BONSU-ASSIBEY Teesside University


Modern developments in digitization have completely changed business structures and operating procedures. The core structure of a database can be built using the distributed technology known as blockchain, which combines data blocks and hash chains. Blockchain has been recommended by academics as one of the foundational elements of corporate governance. Though previous studies examined the impact of blockchain on firm numerous extents, few study has investigated the impact of blockchain technology on corporate governance. We examined the effects of blockchain technology on corporate governance of financial institutions in Nigeria. We use multiple regression over 121 responses. Samples were collected using a random sampling method. Results indicates that blockchain technology has positive impact on corporate governance suggesting the removal of agents as intermediaries in corporate governance through code, peers’ connectivity, and collaboration. Our results help managers transform the regulatory, financial, and entire governance structure of financial institutions.


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How to Cite

EGHE-IKHURHE, G. O., & BONSU-ASSIBEY , M. O. (2022). The Effects of Blockchain Technology on Corporate Governance: Evidence from Emerging Economy. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 10(3), 239–250. Retrieved from


