Applying Game-Based Approaches in Personnel Selection: a Systematic Literature Review



game-based approaches (GBA); gamification; selection; recruitment; candidates; systematic review.


Gamification has expanded dramatically in the field of human resource management in recent years. Research that has examined the influence of gamification on changes in candidates' perceptions of personnel selection is still expanding, as the majority of academic work in gamification is related to the field of education. This paper aims to investigate how job seekers perceive selection assessment tools based on gamification through a systematic review.  The systematic review contains articles published between 2010 and 2022 and indexed in five databases. In the first stage, 5260 articles are included in our search. We chose as exclusion criteria articles published before 2010, references other than journal articles, reviews, and conference articles. Furthermore, we excluded articles published in languages other than English and French, off-topic articles. After assessing all the references, we selected 21 articles following PRISMA statement. The results highlighted 21 scientific articles covering the following themes: candidates' reactions to gamification tools and serious games, candidates' reactions to gamified selection tests, advantages and limits of gamification, and the performance level of candidates regarding the use of gamification. Limitations and implications for future research were discussed.


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How to Cite

AOUAM, H., BELMOUFFEQ, B., & MAHIL, A. (2023). Applying Game-Based Approaches in Personnel Selection: a Systematic Literature Review . Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 11(1), 16–29. Retrieved from


