A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on Customer Service Chatbots


  • Dragoș Florentin MARICIUC Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași


chatbot; bibliometrics analysis; Scopus; VOSviewer; customer service; conversational agents.


This study aims to understand the use of chatbots in Customer Service and their potential benefits for companies. The research includes a literature review combined with a bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database as raw data for the usage of the VOSviewer application. The article identifies the important topics on which scholars have focused, in order to serve as a reference for the future research and discussions of chatbots. The first goal was to understand what bots are, how they can be classified and how they work.  The second objective was to analyse the specific case of chatbots, know their characteristics in-depth, their operation and some platforms for their creation function without programming. The last objective was based on identifying the development opportunities for bots in the company and the benefits they bring. The results indicated that the main advantages associated with bots in the field of business management are related to the areas of marketing, e-commerce and human resources. The research found that chatbots can offer 24-hour customer service and improve customer satisfaction through natural and efficient interactions. The study also suggests that there are opportunities for chatbots in digital marketing strategies, such as providing personalized recommendations and automating customer service tasks.


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How to Cite

MARICIUC, D. F. (2023). A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on Customer Service Chatbots . Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 11(1), 48–62. Retrieved from https://www.managementdynamics.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/507


