Navigating Psychological Crises in Leadership Transitions



psychological crises; leadership transitions; private higher education institutions; bridges’ transition model; job role transitions


This paper delves into the psychological crisis that leaders and managers in private higher education institutions (HEIs) encounter when transitioning into new job roles. The study employs Bridges’ Transition Model to examine the internal obstacles and adaptive measures that emerge during the transitional phase, with a specific emphasis on the psychological dimensions of the transitions. The study utilised a qualitative research methodology and grounded theory approach that involved conducting in-depth interviews and analysing relevant documents to investigate the experiences of leaders and managers in the context of organisational transitions. The results of the study offer significant contributions to the field of organisational management, particularly in the area of leadership succession planning. The findings shed light on effective strategies for managing leadership transitions, promoting smoother transitions, and providing adequate support to individuals in leadership positions during periods of organisational change.


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How to Cite

SAMUEL, A. E., & TSAPAYI, E. T. (2023). Navigating Psychological Crises in Leadership Transitions . Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 11(3), 286–305. Retrieved from