A Literature Review on Solid Waste Management and Disposal Behavior at the Base of the Pyramid



solid waste management; disposal behavior; household waste; base of the pyramid; low-income countries; poverty


Consumer behavior in disposing of products has substantial consequences for the environment that affect all of us. Waste management is a major challenge faced by many developing countries, underlining the relevance of this literature review. Even when academia tries to shed light on this field, it often fails to consider that waste management must be approached differently in less developed countries, which differ dramatically from advanced countries, especially with regard to consumers’ behavioral characteristics. Further, limited effort has been made to systematize the existing literature by highlighting areas of interest in the scholarly discussion. This literature review contributes to the field by illuminating focal points in scholarly research on the background of solid waste management and the disposal behavior of people living at the base of the pyramid. It explores how scholarly research results can guide scholars and practitioners who are contributing to a positive shift in waste management practices. Its novelty arises from annotating scholarly theories and managerial approaches that promise to advance the understanding of sustainable waste management in developing countries. Additionally, the utilization of VOSviewer’s network visualization involving cluster building and keyword occurrences, contributes to the methodological originality of the study. Selective keyword research in the Web of Science database identified 124 pertinent articles for review. This underscores the importance of this literature review, especially in light of the significant increase in publications in this research domain, with approximately 70% (87 of 124 articles) published since 2019. The results show that knowledge, participation, and the active involvement of the local communities are key components in achieving sustainable waste management. Shaping individuals’ attitudes and awareness is vital for promoting pro-environmental behaviors in developing countries. The results also show a prominent focus on recycling behavior and an extensive use of the theory of planned behavior.


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How to Cite

RAAB, K. (2024). A Literature Review on Solid Waste Management and Disposal Behavior at the Base of the Pyramid . Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 12(1), 1–20. Retrieved from https://www.managementdynamics.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/574


