Regional-Sectoral Characteristics of the Formation of Digital Economy Sectors and Evaluation of Its Innovative Perspectives



digital economy; digital transformation; digitization; information and knowledge economy; expert prices; innovative perspectives; Delphi method; regional-sectoral approach; Industrial 4.0 platform


The analysis of the characteristics of regional-sectoral approaches to the effective formation of the structure of the modern digital economy and the assessment of their innovative perspectives are considered urgent issues. In this aspect, the analysis of the scientific-theoretical foundations and formation problems of the information economy as the main element of the digital economy has been attempted. The structural features and characteristics of the digital economy were studied, and the method of evaluating the innovative perspectives of its sectors was developed. New information, knowledge, and technology-intensive economic sectors have been identified. The method of assessing the perspective of sub-sectors of the digital economy was developed in the form of a sequence of certain algorithmic steps. In the evaluation process, the selection of organizations and experts, the determination of the experts' weighting coefficients, and the indicators for assessing the perspective of sub-fields were also determined by the experts themselves. As a result of the assessment of the innovative perspectives of the sub-fields of the digital-information economy, the level of innovativeness of the relevant sectors, the level of potential development, the level of the possibility of creating new jobs, the level of social utility, the level of influence on the development of other areas, the level of current infrastructure provision and cyber resistance, the level of necessary staffing, export orientation indicators such as level, green, inclusion and sustainability level, competitiveness level have been adopted. The results of the generalized systematic analysis and evaluation of the research results of the preliminary expert evaluations of the digital economy sectors on the innovative perspective are given schematically. It has been shown that effective results can be achieved with the application of modern computer software in the formation of digital economy sectors based on the technologies of the Industry 4.0 platform and in the assessment of its innovative prospects. Those results can be effectively applied in other regional-sectoral structures with relevant characteristics.


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How to Cite

ALIYEV, A. G. (2024). Regional-Sectoral Characteristics of the Formation of Digital Economy Sectors and Evaluation of Its Innovative Perspectives. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 12(3), 262–284. Retrieved from


