The Impact of Leadership, Communication, and Teamwork Practices on Employee Trust in the Workplace



soft skills; leadership; communication; teamwork; employee trust


Soft skill practices play an extensive role in creating sustainable and trustworthy relationships between employees and employers in the service sector. Organizational success largely depends on attracting and retaining a talented workforce for which soft skill practices are essential. The banking sector in Bangladesh emphasizes practicing leadership, communication, and teamwork as the most prevalent soft skills for gaining employees’ trust and enhancing the efficient performance of the employees. This study aims to identify the impact of managers' practising these three pivotal soft skills on attaining employees’ trust in the workplace. This study has been conducted by administering a structured questionnaire survey using a convenient sample of 104 employees from different private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Collected data were examined by using Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The results of the analysis reveal that practising leadership, communication, and teamwork skills create a significant and positive impact on employee trust in the workplace. This paper noticeably contributes by creating awareness among bank managers regarding the selected three skills practices to create employee trust in the workplace, which is considered to be bridging the gap of current managerial practices in the private bank organization of Bangladesh. The findings of this study help practitioners realize the intensive utilization of leadership, communication, and teamwork skills to gain greater employee trust in the workplace.


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How to Cite

EVA, T. P., AFROZE, R., & SARKER, M. A. R. (2024). The Impact of Leadership, Communication, and Teamwork Practices on Employee Trust in the Workplace. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 12(3), 241–261. Retrieved from


