Change Management and Innovation in the “Living Organization”: The Stra.Tech.Man Approach



This paper is part of the broader theme of change management studies with the view to present, in particular, the approach of managing change and innovation in terms of Stra.Tech.Man (Strategy-Technology-Management synthesis). After a brief review of the principal theoretical approaches and the main study directions in the analysis of the problem of change management, this paper examines the critical dimensions in the study of contemporary organizational change perceived in the theoretical perspective of a “living organism” as against the “mechanistic” approach to organizations. It concludes by examining change management in terms of Stra.Tech.Man, expounding and analyzing the five steps of Stra.Tech.Man as a new conceptual approach to managing change.


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How to Cite

VLADOS, C. M. (2019). Change Management and Innovation in the “Living Organization”: The Stra.Tech.Man Approach. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 7(2), 229–256. Retrieved from


