Shopping Mall Attributes: Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty


  • Shaheen MANSORI Malaysia University of Science and Technology
  • Jing Huey CHIN Malaysia University of Science and Technology


Tourism shopping has become an important motive for traveling. Yet, research on tourists’ satisfaction and loyalty towards shopping malls is still in the nascent stage. Given that, the objective of this study is to examine and justify the factors that influence tourists’ satisfaction during their shopping experiences. To test the proposed hypotheses of this study, 1000 self-administrated questionnaires were distributed using the convenience non-probability sampling method among international tourists who have visited the mega shopping malls in Malaysia. The findings revealed that variables like communication, accessibility, and convenience, tangibility and facilities, pleasure and entertainment, as well as product assortment have a positive and significant impact on tourists’ satisfaction and loyalty in the shopping malls. The contribution of this research is to evaluate the relationships between the variables and tourists’ shopping satisfaction. The findings of this research can assist the shopping mall management team to provide more tailor-made products and experience for tourists. In line with this, the theory of planned behavior, the disconfirmation model and stimulus-organism-response model are applied in this study.


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How to Cite

MANSORI, S., & CHIN, J. H. (2020). Shopping Mall Attributes: Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 7(4), 571–590. Retrieved from


