Romanian SMEs Internationalization in the Light of Internal Capabilities and External Conditions. A Secondary Data Analysis


  • Andreea MITAN National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
  • Elena - Mădălina VĂTĂMĂNESCU National University of Political Studies and Public Administration


The topic of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the framework of the internationalization phenomena has often hewed the paths for many conceptual and empirical analyses all the more so as the global environment has pushed smaller actors out of their regular habitat. Issues such as the support of SMEs innovative capabilities, of knowledge sharing mechanisms and collaborative networks via cross-border operations or as the thorough adjustment to the new market conditions have sprung as pivotal concerns for both academics and practitioners interested in business development, performance, innovation and effectiveness from a myriad of perspectives. Giving credit to these research and real-life priorities, the current paper aims to discuss different facets of the SMEs internationalization process, laying emphasis on their internal capabilities and external conditions. The empirical undertaking relies on a secondary data analysis which covers the facts and figures comprised by European official reports. The focus is on the Romanian SMEs internationalization variables which are descriptive of the current state of cross-border dynamics. The findings advance that Romanian entrepreneurs and SMEs have been supported in the recent years by a series of European and national governmental initiatives, yet many additional measures and facilitation instruments are needed to properly improve their overall performance on international markets.


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How to Cite

MITAN, A., & VĂTĂMĂNESCU, E. .-. M. (2019). Romanian SMEs Internationalization in the Light of Internal Capabilities and External Conditions. A Secondary Data Analysis. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 7(4), 485–501. Retrieved from


