Telework in Romania. Current State and Sustainable Socio-Economic Effects of Its Development



The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the current stage of implementation of telework in Romania and to determine potential positive and sustainable effects generated by its development on a large scale. The research methodology used is based on descriptive analysis, comparative analysis, but also on econometric analysis. The general results obtained show that Romania registers a very low level of telework employees, this being influenced, not only by the low share of those with tertiary education and high skilled professionals, but also by the fact that most Romanian employees do not want to practice this type of work. The results also showed that telework can generate significant economic and social benefits. The potential solutions we have identified for the sustainable development of the telework phenomenon in Romania include investments in tertiary education and awareness campaigns among both employees and companies, regarding the positive effects that can be obtained through telework and business development.


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2022-03-18 — Updated on 2022-04-05


How to Cite

SUCIU, M. C., & PETRE, A. (2022). Telework in Romania. Current State and Sustainable Socio-Economic Effects of Its Development. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 10(1), 53–68. Retrieved from (Original work published March 18, 2022)


