Empowerment, Motivation, and Training: Key Drivers of Employee Performance in Information Technology Sector
empowerment; motivation; performance; training; IT sectorAbstract
The extensive literature reflected the association between employee empowerment, financial motivation, employee training and employee performance, and empirical inconsistency existed in distinct contexts. This study examines the effect of employee empowerment, financial motivation, and employee training on employee performance in the information technology sector of Nepal. Thus, the study aims to fill up the gap in the literature, testing the research hypothesis through positivism and deductive approaches. A total of 300 structured questionnaires were disseminated among the employees working in the information technology sector in Kathmandu, Nepal, to accumulate cross-sectional primary sources of data. Only 196 (65.33 per cent) useful questionnaires were received back. Descriptive, correlation, and regression analyses are analytical statistical techniques adopted in the study to reflect the profile of respondents, assess the relationship association, and examine their effects. Additionally, internal consistency was tested with Cronbach alpha, evidencing the reliability as all values of Cronbach alpha > 0.70. The findings of the study revealed that all the variables comprising employee empowerment, financial motivation, and employee training have a positive association with employee performance and reflect a significant effect on employee performance in the information technology sector in Kathmandu, Nepal. These findings suggest that decision-makers in organisations benefit from performance enhancement through employee empowerment, financial motivation, and employee training.References
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