The Management of Organizational Culture in the Quiet Quitting Phenomenon in Romanian Companies
quiet quitting; organizational culture; leadership styles; employee behavior; workplace dynamics; Romanian companiesAbstract
The purpose of this study is to explore the phenomenon of quiet quitting within Romanian companies and its relationship with organizational culture, demographic factors, leadership styles, and peer/supervisor pressure. The research aims to determine how and if these characteristics influence the phenomenon of quiet quitting in any way. The findings reveal a strong association between organizational culture and quiet quitting, suggesting that the nature of an organisation’s culture directly influences employees' inclination to consider such actions. Additionally, leadership style significantly impacted quiet quitting, indicating that managerial approaches play a pivotal role in employees' decision-making. Furthermore, the study did not identify a substantial connection between peer influence and the relationship between corporate culture and quiet quitting. These findings emphasise the critical role of organizational culture and leadership approaches in understanding and addressing the quiet quitting phenomenon. The results highlight the need for employers to foster a positive and healthy work environment and to implement effective leadership strategies to mitigate the likelihood of employees considering quiet quitting.References
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